Lifestyle photography and why it can be a great alternative to a studio session.

Do you remember those cold winter days when you pulled out your baby, birthday and family photos? Do you remember asking questions about all the other things you saw in the background? I know I do. My favourite part was looking at those crazy 70's styled homes. I loved asking my parents why does everyone have this or that? It was and still is great to see all of those details in a photo. This is one of the reasons I LOVE lifestyle photography. Don't get me wrong, I love studio sessions; I used to offer them, but something was just missing for me in my sessions.

After having a baby, some love to get out of the house, and others love to stay home. This is another reason I love in-home lifestyle sessions; it gives me a chance to capture everyone in their warm comfy homes. I love that I get to catch kids playing, reading a book, wrestling and even play "peek a boo" with me while I'm shooting. I get to capture the cuddles and interactions with parents and their little humans. Do you see the photo above? You might be thinking, why are they on the hallway floor? I know, I know, it's weird, BUT look closely at what happened when Mum and Dad got down to the children's eye level. Look at the moment between Father and Daughter as they press their heads together and as Mother and Son having a deep and meaningful chat. I could have deleted this photo just because bub was crying, but then the other moments I captured would be gone. 

If you are thinking of having an in-home lifestyle session and you're still unsure, think about what memories you want from your photos. Do you want to remember life in your family home or, do you want simple studio photos? Give me a call and let's chat.